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Don’t Sweat It! Try Cosmetic Injections for Hyperhidrosis

When you’re out with friends and the heat is on, sometimes even clinical strength antiperspirants don’t seem to do the job. But it’s not just you! A 2004 study by a dermatologist at the University of St. Louis found that a large percentage of the American population have hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating. Though there are a few different treatment options available, including limiting exposure to certain foods and drinks, one of the most effective is cosmetic injections. Botox reviews have found that Botox is an effective and safe treatment for excessive sweating and is well-known by those in the aesthetics industry.

How It Works

When Botox is injected into the skin, the treatment affects the signal between the nerve endings and the sweat glands in the dermis. The botulism toxin binds itself to the nerve endings near the injection site and acts like a roadblock. It blocks the release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, a chemical our nerve cells make to communicate with each other, and this disrupts the message sent from the nerve endings to stimulate the production of sweat.

How To Prepare


To get ready for the procedure, you’ll need to shave 24 hours before the procedure is scheduled, avoid alcohol, avoid NSAIDS such as aspirin and ibuprofen and avoid using over-the-counter antiperspirants and deodorants. For two hours prior to the treatment, avoid activities that will make you sweat, such as caffeinated beverages or working out.

The Procedure

In 2004, the U.S. FDA approved Botox injections to treat hyperhidrosis. Each treatment may include several injection points concentrated in the affected area and each treatment is expected to last about 6 months. The procedure involves cosmetic injections using a fine-gauge needle to inject Botox into your underarm area, typically in the neighborhood of about 100 units of Botox. This procedure takes only 5-10 minutes. You’ll see a reduction in sweating over a 1-2 week period and then will plateau for several months until the Botox begins to wear off. Some clients may require several injection sessions to get their hyperhidrosis under control, but have excellent results once the proper dosage is determined.

After-Treatment Care

Once you’ve finished your Botox treatment, there are a few things to avoid. For the first 12 hours, avoid using deodorants, though you can use gentle soap and water to wash the area. Avoid heavy exercise for 24 hours. There is no “down time” after the procedure is complete and normal daily activity may resume directly following treatment.

If you’re tired of dealing with hyperhidrosis and only receiving temporarily and non-effective results, Botox treatment for your symptoms is a great option. You can now experience life-changing results from this treatment and start avoiding embarrassing social and work situations!