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How To Get Rid of Spider Veins

Spider and varicose veins are fairly common conditions, more often seen in women than men. They are enlarged veins that are visible, close to the skin and usually appear red or blue in color. Varicose veins are raised and have a twisted appearance. They can be painful, with a feeling of heaviness or fullness in the legs. Spider veins look somewhat like tree branches, or as their name implies, spider webs. They are usually not painful, but can be particularly annoying cosmetically.

What causes spider veins

  • What causes spider veins?
  • Hormonal changes (puberty, pregnancy, menopause and birth control pills)
  • Injury resulting in alterations in circulation
  • Normal aging process
  • Obesity
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Sun exposure (facial veins)

Veins rely on valves to keep blood circulating in the correct direction. As we age, these valves may weaken or not work at all. This results in a backup of blood, and a bulging vein. Hormonal changes that take place during puberty, pregnancy and menopause can also affect circulation which may lead to spider veins. Because birth control pills contain hormones, they may also be a contributing factor to varicose or spider veins. By adding additional pressure, being overweight also impacts the vein’s ability to function properly.

A sedentary lifestyle is another cause of varicose and spider veins in the legs. If you have to sit or stand for long periods of time, it is important to get enough exercise to keep your circulatory system healthy and avoid vein problems. Facial spider veins may be caused by increased sun exposure, especially if you are light skinned. Make sure you use proper sunscreen to prevent skin damage.

How to get rid of spider veins?

  • Compression stockings
  • Sclerotherapy
  • Surgery
  • Surface laser treatment

A simple way to alleviate painful varicose veins in the legs is to wear compression stockings. These may provide comfort by helping to push pooled blood out of the veins. Sclerotherapy is a common treatment for varicose and larger spider veins. With this procedure, a medical professional will inject a liquid into the vein, causing it to swell and seal shut. This stops the blood flow through the vein and causes it to fade after a few weeks. Sclerotherapy is not a good choice for veins on the face.

Surgery is usually reserved for larger, ropy varicose veins. Modern surgery uses a laser or heat generating fiber threaded into the vein that seals if off. Circulation of blood in the leg is not affected by removing the vein, and recovery is quick. As with all surgery, there are risks to take into consideration before opting for this method of treatment.

Laser therapy at your medical spa

Laser therapy has become a widely used method in how to get rid of spider veins and mild to moderate varicose veins. A laser produces a strong burst of light that penetrates through the skin and into the vein. The vein will slowly disappear. It is the preferred method of treatment for the fine blue or red veins that can be seen on the face, and commonly around the nose. Laser therapy is safe and effective when done by an experienced professional and can be used anywhere on the body.

Spider and varicose veins can be bothersome, both from a health standpoint as well as cosmetically. Visit your medical spa to learn about their leg vein removal options.